الخميس، 23 يونيو 2011

أسئلة للمهندسين المبتدئين في مجال عمليات حفر ابار النفط والغاز - 2

Questions For The Drilling Operations Beginners
1.What is the circulation system consist of ??
2. What is the BTM HOLE PRESSURE ( BHP )?
3. How can calculate the BHP
4. Calculate the pump output??
5. What is the BOP and remember its types
6. What is the WOB and how can being applying on bit & how much it can be exerted of the total weight??
7. What is the Yp of mud and how much would be for best drilling practices??
8. What is the Yp units use??
9. What is the Plastic Viscos ???
10. What is the plastic Viscos units ?
11. What is the VG viscosity and its units??
12. How much bit type??
13. How much the pressure value of BOP test for each??
14. How you can calculate the tank capacity per cm??
15. Write the BHA of 12 ¼ and 8 .1/2 in
16. What is the mud additives should be
17. What is the following indications for you as drilling man??
A. What is the Xmas tree & the well head
B. What is the cut of each casing and how much for each section( remember its section)??
C. What is the well head Test??and how much could be ??
18. What is the BHA and what is the advantage of it??
19. How can determined the BHP and ho can be calculated.
20. What is the type of casing accessories like the float shoe ( F.S.) & float collar(F.C.) ??
21. What is does the FC&F.S do??
22. What type of Drill Collar ( D.C.) & Drill Pipe(Dp).
23. How many flow type of fluid including the drilling fluids??
24. What is the relationship between the Weight On Bit(WOB) & Torque ( TRQ )??
25. How can you recognize the bit consumption??and the bit grading ??
26. What is the ordinary composition of BHA for each hole??
27. How can calculate the mud tank capacities and its cap. Per cm???
28. What is the SPP ( or the Dp ) pressure? And what is the Casing pressure and how you read both side??
29. What is the relationship between the SPM and PMP Pressure?? Find out this relationship??
30. How can you set up the casing pipe connection torque??

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